We are good at studying culture and learning the who's and why's and what-cha-ma-call-its. We are good at becoming part of the culture. "When in Rome"...Part of it is in the job description so we can live the culture and understand why the people respond to life like they do. It is a big part of loving our neighbors.
However, we have found that we were being mean. We have become mean drivers, saying things under our breath about the pedestrians that jumped out from between 2 parked cars (when the cross walk is 2 steps away) that we are obligated to stop for unless we want to be charged with vehicular homicide. Or the pedestrian that crosses in the crosswalk against the light, when our light is green. We have also been short tempered with eachother. We realized that we are not being full of the light of Christ and wonder how we will reach the culture with the Gospel if we are being chamelians in this particular characteristic. We are working on "believing the best" in folks. Maybe they are really cold like the rest of us and are trying to hurry to cross the street and get warm!?
1 comment:
It's hard for me to believe that a Rogers could be a meany!! Hope you all are doing well. We miss you and are praying for you.
Love, the Stumbos
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