Sunday, August 3, 2008

Green Spaces

We have been pleasantly surprised to see Green Spaces all over the city. I still am a Seattle girl at heart and can really get into recycling and composting. These green spaces have previously been anything from abandoned lots to run down parks. Some of the farmer's markets even take WIC and food stamps. In fact, there was an article in the July issue of Cooking Light telling of one such place:

"Growing up in Hyde Park, an inner-city Boston neighorhood, (this is the neighborhood where our eldest child will be going to school) Brian Judge never tasted an apricot. In fact, before joining EarthWorks Boston, a nonprofit group dedicated to reclaiming neglected urban space, he'd never even seen one. Now, three years later, apricots have become at-work perks for the high school junior..."

Another fun outing we did as a family was to a grass roots community garden in Roxbury where some of our friends from church have labored. The garden was started and continues to be maintained by the folks in the neighborhood and they use it for events now. We attended a BBQ with full entertainment of a band and were able to meet some of the neighborhood people.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Rogers family,

So excited to find your blog! I am a big fan of blogs (probably a little too big a fan) and I am excited to learn more about your family after having Levi in my VBS class a few weeks ago and getting to know your older daughter as she helped out at crafts. They both truly were joys!

I wanted to thank you (Dan) for your sermon this morning at CTK Cambridge, and I meant to come find you guys after church but somehow missed you. I would love to bring dessert over to your house some evening and hang out and get to know you if you have time; I am currently attending CTK Cambridge but teach in East Boston and am praying about what my involvement in CTK Dorchester should be. I know y'all are probably extremely busy, but if you have any time over the next month or so I would love to come get to know you. (Also--sorry to leave this on the blog--I couldn't find an email address for you on your website?)

Grace and peace,