Friday, October 24, 2008


It's officially cold. I had to scrape the frost off the car this morning to take our 7th grader to school. My neighbor didn't have any frost on her car. She jokingly told me I had parked the car the wrong way. Maybe we need some trees...We are trying to keep warm. There is a lot involved in this process. We have closed up certain parts of the house and are using ceramic heaters. The issue is that we have oil heat which is very expensive, so we are all chipping in our chattering teeth to make due. Night time has us all bundled under down, in between flannel. Day time has us drinking hot drinks all day and using those microwavable heating pads to keep warm. We actually feel very spirited wearing around our UGA heating pad or cute wearing around the fuzzy dog heating pad. Maybe it will be a new fashion statement. I am telling myself that we can keep learning-our brains are well insulated and they are not frozen. It is only going to get colder! And from an time efficiency standpoint, it takes so long to get dressed-and dress eveyone else! Where, oh, where, do I find the time to deal with the cold?!

A new fast food restaurant

On our way to a retreat in "New Hamster", we stopped for dinner at a restaurant. Our little princess calls it, "Undies". Can you guess the name?

I am witnessing a great deal from her spending so much time with her brothers. The jokes that normally our boys only do and laugh at are now including a high tittering from the little one. Like, "Madeline (her doll) pooted!" On another note, she is developing such sweet relationships with her brothers, when they aren't armpit tooting and burping the alphabet.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Growing up

As we were sitting at the dinner table the other night, we were informed by our middle child that he could now "juke". Instead of plowing through and over the top of the other "players" (namely, his brothers) while carrying a football, he is "jukin'" them. We are excited to see more things they will learn as a result of living in Dorchester!